Thursday, January 15, 2009


As 2009 has begun, so has my search for Senior Portrait Rep's!!! I'm looking for HS Jr.'s to work with me in my photo. rep. program. This branch of my photography started last year - as I kept hearing parents and students complain about their Senior Portraits....well who could blame them when you get 15 minutes in a studio, wearing the same thing as every other student! I grew up in Rochester, and although I did go to a studio for my Senior Portraits, I was able to bring multiple changes of clothes, my siblings, and even my dog! I remember it took a bit for me to relax...but as I changed into "my" day to day clothes, and had elements of "my" day to day life in the pictures - I looked more like me!

That's what I want to give HS kids in this area! The opportunity to have Senior Portraits that they love, that they feel capture them, their spirits, their personalities, their hobbies and interests.

I worked with 6 students last year in my photo rep. program. And I proudly say, their images were fabulous! Guy, girl...didn't matter. We laughed - tried funky things and rustic settings - and walked away with stunning portraits! Unique, edgy, name it - they got it!

So, the search begins again - with even more enthusiasm this year. I can't wait to get rollin' :)

If you're a Junior, or know one - take a look at the HS Senior link on the right. The 6 rep. sessions from last year are there to preview. There are so many perks to being a rep. - starting with getting your 2 hr. onlocation session for free! Drop me a line or give a call to inquire further!

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